We all know the complicated situation in the City of Mostar. Even a good working parking system or the garbage problem seem to be unsolvable. After many complaints about the unlighted Bulevard tunnel near the church GKM decided to organize the lightning on its own.

The necessary money was collected by the GKM members.

One of the GKM members, the DEMA&S d.o.o. completed the installation. For this purpose Anel Demic from DEMA S agreed with the City administration about the details. The Eltom d.o.o. will do the maintenance for the tunnel lightning.

We thank our sponsoring members for their engagement.

Now it is possible again that tourists and local pedestrians can safely go through the underpass even by night!



The employees of DEMA&S (Alija, Semir, Anel, Alen) after their work